Sunday, February 7, 2010

Tot School - The Letter N

Tot School
~E is 31 months~
We spent this week on the letter N.  Cute story, on the way to church my husband and I were talking and wondering about what the pastor was going to preach on this week.  E answered from the back and said "This week talk about letter N."  Too sweet :)  We didn't get as much done this week because we were busy with other things.  This coming week will be even busier, but we will keep doing what we can do.

Painting Noodles for our Noodle Necklace

Dirty hands.  We then practiced washing our hands in the sink, Montessori style.

Making our noodle necklaces.

Reading books... a new one from the $1 bin at Target.

Playing Piano :)

Helping with the chores.  Dusting all the flat surfaces he could reach.

E was on a gluing kick one day... so we glued numbers to the letter N.

Then we made a nest.

...with eggs and everything.

Gluing Noodles.

It was E's idea to glue the noodles on in different ways.