Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 3 - Letter M

We had another great week of school, though it was a big more condenced than the previous weeks.  I was out of town on Monday and we were busy with other activities on Friday.  That being said, we still managed to complete all of the Sonlight curriculum scheduled for the week.  Lil E just didn't get to do as many letter based activities and neither of them were able to do as many crafts or read as many extra books.  I will save those activities for a review week.

Our Montessori activity for the week was to practice transferring rice from one container to another container with a spoon.  We only practiced this one time, but I plan on bringing it back again sometime soon.

One of the fun activities this week was for Big E to write a story based on a picture.  I helped him create the storyline by asking him a bunch of Who, What, When, etc. questions.  I also had to help with some of the sentence structures, but all the ideas were his.  The story that resulted from our efforts is below:

This morning one very encouraging thing happened, which the children were arguing.  Big E recited last week's memory verses complete with hand motions to his sister.  "God loves a cheerful giver."  Despite the arguing, I was encouraged that he remembered the verse and was actually seeking to apply it (though a bit selfishly) to his life.

Robot Adam Finds a Family  
Once upon a time there was a boy named Adam.  Adam’s family was different from other families because instead of having a brother or a sister, he had a robot.  The robot’s name was Robot Adam.  Adam’s family wasn’t sure were Robot Adam had come from.  He just showed up at their house one day looking for a friend.  Though Robot Adam never talks they knew that he liked spending time with Adam’s family.  Adam and Robot Adam played together often.  Their favorite games to play were cars on a car road mat and pretend fishing.  One day Robot Adam gave Adam a card that said “Robot Loves U.”  Adam gave Robot Adam and hug and said “I love you too.”  

Lil E's work

Big E's Work

Rice Transfering

Happy Lil E doing school

Painting Moons

Not really painting moons... but enjoying painting just the same.

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