Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 4 - Letter T

What a fun letter!  Multiple crafts were made this week, books were read, and fun was had.  We are continuing to enjoy our homeschooling time together.  Of course there are difficult days and moments, but it helps me to see their hearts and most of all, my heart.

Lil E's highlights for the week included:
* voluntarily tracing the letters on her letter page.
* identification of heart, circle, moon, and star shapes.
* identification of transportation vocabulary.
* participation in playdough letters.
* Kumon coloring.
* using a stick glue.
* tracing the letter T.
* being able to identify F, M, T, B based on phonics!
* finding T/t when requested.
* matching transportation shapes.
* cutting practice.
Lil E making "Tall Triangle Trees"
Lil E using foam blocks to identify specific form of transportation.

Traicing T's.  Again... I'm amazed at what she is doing!

Lil E Finding the Captial T's.  She could actually do it!

Big E's highlights for the week included:
* learning Yankee Doodle.
* practicing "story elaboration" with Daddy.
* eating T shaped toast for lunch.
* copying part of his address.
* train, tree, treasure box, and turtle crafts
* handwriting practice letters H, K L, v, w
* phonic letter identification Ff, Bb, Mm, Tt
* continued Sonlight Curriculum reading and activities.

Big E making "Tall Triangle Trees"  He wanted his trunks to be tall.

Big E working on a page from "Developing the Early Learner" Vol. 1.  He generally enjoys these activities.

Making paper plate turtles
The results of their crafting this week:

Big E's crafts for the week.  We also make a train out of basic shapes and a treasure box.

Lil E's crafts

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